Wine and words.

October has been so uncharacteristically warm

on this blueblack night

tangled in reeds

and blankets on the beach,

salt spray and moon milk pouring over us;



fall from our mouths

as easily as the wine flows in;


punctuated by tannic kisses.

21 thoughts on “Wine and words.

        1. Ok. Can you post the link again? Your page is not easy to access from my phone because it is linked to a dead page! I think you would get a lot more likes and comments if you updated your profile in WordPress with your new blog URL. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        2. S, send me an email through contact page and I can help you with this if you want. I’ll send you a screen shot of how it looks to others, too. Might explain if you’ve been experiencing low traffic. Every writer deserves to be recognized! 😊

          Liked by 1 person

  1. No, I’m not dense, nor am I unable to take a hint. This is the last comment, but your second line reminded me of a song. Things always remind me of songs. I thought I’d post it for you, you’ve probably never heard it. Great write by the way! We could be good friends I think, if I were a bit more trusting, and less cynical. No, I’m not trying to get down your pants either…I just really appreciate the way your mind works when it comes to penning your thoughts:


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